“Let your desire for feeling good be your only guiding light.” AH

Guidance & accountability for entrepreneurial women seeking harmony.

What if you could have a gentle guide, helping you prioritize what matters, delegate what’s needed, and make space for yourself at the top of your list, all while growing your business in a way that is sustainable for you?

If you find yourself overdoing and overcommitting in your business, experiencing overwhelm and burnout, you’re not alone. Hustle culture is becoming a thing of the past as we reclaim our free time and reprioritize our personal wellbeing.

I have developed a process to help you experience alignment and feel more harmony, abundance, and ease in your business and personal life. By getting clear on what truly matters to you most, discovering your Human Design, and taking small, actionable steps, I will guide you in finding a resonant balance between a thriving business and a joyful life.

Become an Empowered Entrepreneur

Three and six month mentorship containers for women that are ready to feel lighter and more balanced.

Bi weekly one-on-one mentorship calls to start taking steps towards your deepest desires.

Together we will:

  • Explore your Human Design

  • Clarify what you desire most

  • Implement aligned strategies

  • Create more ease in your day-to-day

  • Receive Support & Accountability

Are you ready to discover if this process is right for you?

Simply schedule a complimentary quick chat below.